Halal is not just about food, instead it encompasses everything from personal hygiene to environmental sustainability. One of these elements is product packaging, which for halal consumers is more than just an eye-catching design.

For the packaging industry, halal means meeting the demands of a growing consumer base of 2 billion halal consumers that require everything they consume to be halal. As packaging comes into contact with various consumables, it becomes increasingly important to ensure its halal status.

Muslims account for about 24% of the global population and spend an estimated $2.6 trillion on different consumer goods annually. This makes the global halal market a lucrative and influential market segment that cannot be ignored by any business that wants to succeed. To serve this market, a large number of manufacturers are increasingly seeking halal certification.

But how does packaging come into all this and what are the benefits of halal certification for packaging for different industries?

In this article, we will explore just that and provide key insights on how to achieve halal compliance for packaging.

What is Halal Certification for Packaging?

It’s important to first understand what halal certification for packaging basically is before discussing its importance. Halal packaging is packaging that meets the requirements of Islamic law and does not contain any prohibited (haram) substances or materials. These include:

  • Animal-derived ingredients, such as gelatin, collagen, keratin, or animal fats, unless they are from halal-slaughtered animals.
  • Alcohol and intoxicants
  • Contaminants or cross-contaminants from haram sources, such as pork, blood, insects, rodents, or other impurities.

Moreover, halal packaging is not only applicable to food and beverage products but also to cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, household products, and other consumer goods that may come into contact with the human skin.

The Importance of Halal Certification for Packaging

Now that we know what halal certification for packaging is, you may be wondering why it is important for your industry and business particularly. There are more than a few reasons why halal certification for packaging is important for organizations.

1. Increase in Business Marketplace Trust

Halal certification is not just a label, ethical standards that can create an element of trust among muslim consumers. Halal certified packaging will therefore build a level of trust for your organization that may be hard to achieve through marketing alone.

In short, halal certification for packaging can enhance Business Marketplace Trust trust and loyalty by providing assurance of quality, safety, and authenticity of the packaged products.

2. Increase in Market Share

Another reason why halal certification is so important is that it can be a key to access new markets that businesses may have never considered before. These markets are muslim-majority countries, where halal is not just preferred but sometimes required, subsequently presenting a massive opportunity for packaged goods.

Moreover, the appeal of halal certification is not limited to these countries, it is more global in nature as there are more than 2 billion muslims present all over the world, making halal certification for packaging a globally recognized standard that can give businesses an edge in any market.

3. Adherence to Regulatory Compliance

As also highlighted earlier, halal certification is not just a preference in many countries, in fact it is a regulatory requirement. There are 57 muslim countries, with 48 of them being muslim-majority. This represents a significant number of countries that have regulatory compliance requirements mandating halal certification for imported goods, including their packaging.

Hence, having halal certification for packaging ensures that businesses are not just meeting consumer demands but are also complying with regulatory requirements, consequently avoiding any potential legal hurdles.

How to Get Halal Certification for Packaging?

Getting halal certification for packaging involves a few main steps. Let’s cut right to the chase and identify what these steps are:

Step 1- Conduct Gap Analysis

Conducting a gap analysis to identify the current status of halal compliance for packaging materials, and processes at an organization will provide a clear picture of the changes needed in internal processes. It’s advisable to involve key stakeholders in this analysis to ensure a comprehensive analysis of current halal compliance is acquired.

Step 2- Apply for Halal Certification

This is the most important and meticulous step towards getting halal certification for packaging. It is absolutely vital to apply for halal certification from a reputable and recognized halal certification body that has appropriate expertise and experience in auditing and certifying packaging operations.

Furthermore, it is also important that the chosen halal certification provider is well-versed with serving your industry as different sectors may have unique requirements and challenges when it comes to halal compliance. This ensures that the certifying body can provide targeted guidance and recommendations that are relevant to your specific type of packaging, whether it’s food-grade, pharmaceutical, or cosmetic packaging

Step 3- Maintain Halal Certification

Halal certification isn’t a one-time process that lasts indefinitely. Much like other regulatory standards, it requires ongoing maintenance to ensure continued compliance. This maintenance can be carried out externally by your chosen halal certification body conducting regular audits, but should also be conducted internally by the compliance department continuously assessing the adherence to halal guidelines.

Halal Certification for Packaging Requirements

Halal certification for packaging may vary depending on the type of product being packaged, the source of packaging materials, the complexity of packaging processes, the level of risk involved in potential contamination or cross-contamination from haram sources,
and the requirements of different halal authorities in different countries or regions.

Some of the halal certification for packaging requirements are:

  • All packaging materials must be Halal-approved, meaning they must be free from non-Halal animal derivatives, ethanol, and other najis (impure) substances.
  • Packaging equipment must be lubricated with Halal-approved lubricants.
  • Packaging lines must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after use to prevent cross-contamination with non-Halal substances.
  • Packaging facilities must be kept clean and free of pests.
  • Packaging must be clearly labeled with the Halal logo and other required information, such as the name and address of the certification body.

In addition to these general requirements, there may be specific requirements for different types of packaging materials and processes. For instance, packaging for food products may have additional requirements related to food safety and hygiene.

Therefore, it is highly advisable to consult with a qualified halal expert organization who can provide guidance and assistance in achieving halal certification for packaging in the specific industry which you operate in.

Wrapping Up

Halal certification for packaging is not just a trend, it’s a growing necessity. As the consumer base expands and the demand for ethical and quality products rises, halal certification is becoming a norm in the packaging, irrespective of the industry you serve in.

If you’re still on the fence about halal certification for packaging, contact us at the American Halal Foundation to check out how to get halal certification and open the doors to a world of opportunities for your business.
